There are lots of snack bars to choose from inside a supermarket. It can be difficult to discern which ones are healthy and which ones are not whenmtrying to be careful about your food choices. What are the things that you need to look for when selecting a snack bar? These guidelines may help you in choosing a healthy snack bar by means of reading product labels:
When you are a very busy person, you might want to choose a healthy snack bar which can give 600 kJ. Looking at the energy content also includes taking in consideration the size of the snack bar. For example, 30 g Snack Bar A at 500 kJ will satisfy your energy needs more than a 20 g Snack Bar B at 520 kJ.
As much as possible, avoid snack bars that contain saturated fat. If you really want that snack bar, better aim for less than 2 g per bar. Saturated fat is harmful, because excessive intake may cause heart disease or even cancer. While the overall fat content may be large, you must look at the saturated fat content, because if Snack Bar A has 5 g of overall fat and contains 0 g of saturated fat, then it is better than Snack Bar B which has 4 g of overall fat but contains 1 g of saturated fat. All in all, the total fat content must be 5 g or less in a snack bar to be considered “healthy.”
To complete the trio with fat and energy content, make sure you check the sugar level of the snack bar. Several snack bars contain sugar, which comprises almost half of their total weight. High sugar levels are not favorable because too much sugar can temporarily boost energy, but this energy declines very fast. As much as possible, look for snack bars with less than 9 g of sugar.After looking at the nutritional facts, you may also want to check out which food substances are used in making the snack bar. Healthy snack bars will list oats, raisins, bran, honey, fruits and other natural ingredients.
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