A Health Affairs blog, this week is the first ever Health Information Technology.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
The endurance run that's like climbing Everest four times
Excitement. Nervousness. Uncertainty. Fear. I have felt the effect of this
heady cocktail of emotions before – two years ago, after some friends persuaded
me to enter the Dragon’s Back along the brutally mountainous spine of
That race took five days – much further than anything I had run before. A
complete leap into the unknown. But I did it. And more than that, I surprised
everyone (including myself) by finishing third in a race where two-thirds of the
entrants failed to make it past day one.
Fast-forward two years and I am back at square one. This time I am facing a
challenge that makes even the Dragon look tame: an attempt to set a new running
record around the unremitting, undulating South West Coast Path. All 630 miles
of it.
The South West Coast Path doesn’t ascend any mountain peaks, but it boasts
115,000 feet (35,052 metres) of total climbing – or, to put it another way, in
terms of elevation gain, it’s like going from sea level to the summit of Everest
four times. Patrick Devine Wright finishing third in last
year’s Grizzly racePhotograph:
It winds its way from Minehead in Somerset to Poole in Dorset, and most
people bite the path off in stages and can take a lifetime to complete the
entire route. I hope to run it in one go. The current record, set by Mark
Townsend and Julie Gardener, stands at 14 days and 14 hours. To beat it, I will
have to run more than two marathons a day, every day for two weeks.
I started thinking about it last summer and started training for it over
Christmas. Since then, I have slowly but surely plucked up the courage to tell
people what I am up to – if only to explain to them why I am so tired (from the
training) or sore (from the niggles) or hungry (four meals a day now being
This run is much more public than my Dragon’s Back effort. I am raising funds
for three excellent charities – the Devon Air Ambulance, the South West Coast
Path Association and the Wave project – and I am looking for people to help me
out, putting me up for the night as I wind my way around the coast, and meeting
me at checkpoints to help me fuel up and recuperate.
So far my plan has been met with lots of encouragement, and more than a few
scratched heads. Why am I doing it? All I can say is what I learnt from the
Dragon’s Back: unless you put yourself in a situation that is new to you and
filled with uncertainty – whatever that is – you never really know what you are
capable of.
So once again I am sticking my feet (and neck) out to try something that most
would consider utter madness. And come the end of April, I will be something the
wiser for it. Click here to
sponsor Patrick and to find out more about the causes he is raising money
for. If you want to assist Patrick during his epic run (with logistics
and accommodation), please contact him on patrick@devinewright.com
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