Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Proper Breakfast To Be Able To Give Children The Right Amount Of Energy

Breakfast is the biggest and most important meal of the day. You need to make sure that your kids take in a proper breakfast to be able to give them the right amount of energy that they need for the entire day. When your kids sleep during the night, the body uses up the energy that is stored in the cells and a correct breakfast will allow the body to recharge and get a jump start for the rest of the day. Aside from this, studies prove that children who eat a good breakfast perform better in school and grow faster as well. Don't think that giving your kids just anything will do, there are certain things that are needed to ensure that your child's body is fueled properly.

There are four things that you will need to make sure to include in your child's breakfast: grains, protein, fruits and vegetables and dairy. Grains can be found in the form of cereals, bread and the like. These are the most needed by the body as you will see if you check out the kid's food pyramid. Next are proteins which you will find in meat, different kinds of beans and eggs. Fruits and vegetables should of several different varieties as much as possible. Finally, dairy can be gotten from different sources like milk, cheese and yogurt.

Getting all these in the breakfast of your kids does not have to be so difficult. A bowl of oatmeal topped with fruits served with a glass of milk can easily meet all of these. Good combination's for fruits on oatmeal will include strawberries or an assortment of berries like blueberries and raspberries. Pancakes which are a well loved breakfast by many kids can be made better by making use of whole wheat flour, include bananas and walnuts in your batter for a serving of fruit and protein. Even a good old grilled cheese sandwich can be a nutritious breakfast.

Add some ham to this for some protein and make use of whole wheat bread for some grains. Serve this with any type of fruit. Smoothies can bring bursts of energy and give your child a good head start for sure. Try an assortment of fruits and yogurt. This can easily be paired with any other breakfast food and can be drunk on the go too.

It's also important to know what happens when your child skips breakfast. Children who do not eat breakfast will burn fewer calories throughout the day. They will usually show increased errors on work and have a slower memory recall. They may be more hyperactive and show lower math scores.

Children who skip breakfast are also more like to be absent or tardy from school. It's important that parents ensure their children get a healthy start to the day with a great, healthy breakfast every day. Public schools around the country are required to provide a healthy breakfast every morning for students.

If you are unable to provide a breakfast for your child, just get them to school in time to enjoy a healthy meal from the school. During the summer months, or if your child does not attend public school, do your best to always provide a healthy breakfast each and every day.

Some children forget to eat breakfast or don't know how to choose healthy breakfast foods on their own. This is why it's important for parents to help their kids get the right foods each and every morning to get them started on the right track.

Breakfast Casseroles
There are many types of casseroles for breakfast. And to make them healthy, you can add any kind of veggies you like and is highly recommended to add to your daily intake of vegetables. Using turkey bacon or sausage and low fat cheeses is ideal when it comes to healthy casseroles. Also using an egg substitute such as egg beaters will give you less fat and cholesterol. With casseroles, you can make them ahead the night before and pop them in the oven in the morning.

Last Minute Breakfast
Always have dried fruits, nuts, dates, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and trail mixes on hand to toss into sealed plastic bags for those mornings when time just doesn't permit for a breakfast meal. Make for sure each child gets one of these bags before leaving the house.

There you have it...just a few ideas to keep breakfast healthy for your little ones. Also...don't forget to eat a good breakfast yourself.

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